Prefatory note: This was derived from an RPG before that even existed on computers, even before Dungeons & Dragons; it was called Gerousle and was based on a home-made
Monopoly/Careers type board in the summer of 1962. The rules required elaborate
hand-written notes to track the history of all of your game pieces. Each result of a throw or draw often enough led to an intermission to make yet another game board, plus inventing what the Jack of Clubs, for example, would result in (death, wounding, money, etc.).
(You had a leader, and lots of henchmen, using Monopoly icon pieces.)
When you landed on a square you threw dice or picked cards to determine what happened next. A totally wasted summer vacation, but lots of fun, but my
brother and I didn't have the foresight to exploit it. In the beginning, it only involved Almondsey and Gerousle -- Estalia was an undeveloped wilderness and home to vicious aborigines.
This web site is almost entirely new, created in the past year or so, and therefore in many ways is contradictory to the original concept. As a web site, it is far larger than the 'parent' site of Almondsey.
Almondsey, a large Island located somewhere between Norway and Atlantis, has its own web directory.