Who Is (and Was) Who in Northwest Wall
This is list of people, some of whom grew out of the
playing of the game Gerousle, who have been important in the development
of events on the planet Blenkinsop. Northwest Wall is a small segment
of the eastern main island of the central land mass or continent, if you
will; this is where most of the recorded history of Blenkinsop occurred
as far as the chronicles are concerned. Mallowaft & Fagg Inc. of The
Bowery are the prime developers of this planet (Donald Trump, eat your
heart out).
(Warning: This contains a lot of Policitically Incorrect
Attitudes--PIA-ty. After all, it grew up in the Eisenhower/Kennedy era.)
Some notable people...
- Lucius Fosgood --An archvillain of the worst sort
- Admiral Basselschirrelheil --Head of the Germano-Nordic
fleet; defeated in sea-battle off the coast of Tiny Tim Island
- Admirale de Brillocrema d'Amont-Saurez-Crespi-Noodil
--Head of the Mehico-Hispanic Federation of the Holy Conspiracy of
Jesus; he was the victor
- Borogrove Borgesborg --General Secretary of M&F
- Miss Fashionette Mallowfat --Sister of the Founder;
in charge of the Publicity Dept of the Bowery office
- Psalm Twenty-three Mallowfat --Son of the Founder;
a playboy, by all accounts (not a player in this game)
- Fred Fagg --Co-founder of Mallowfat & Fagg (deceased)
- Fred Fagg ("Don't Call Me Fag"), Jr --Present Head of the
Fagg Family (he doesn't like to be called Fred either, prefers Arnold)
- Baron Martie --Shipping magnate (ex-pirate), and a great
rival to M&F; resident-owner of Tiny Tim, and protected by the
notorious Frozen-Ball Guards
- Mallowfat I ("The First") --Co-founder of Mallowfat & Fagg
- Bordello Mallowfat --Runs the M&F operation owing to his
father's disability (senility), but keeps a very low profile (no one
has ever seen him, except for a few assistants)
- Hermann Schatz --Born in Auschwitz, emigrated to Blenkinsop
early in its settlement, and after trying his hand at piracy then
established the Duchy of Boselly and Schatz
- Luigi Bosseli --From Palermo; was a co-pirate with Schatz
and was the other founder of the Duchy of B&S (these guys made out
pretty well)
- Mayor Trebozo --Pub landlord in Mevitrevelly, Cornwall;
when he heard about Blenkinsop (probably from a drunken Psalm-23)
he finagled a mass kidnapping of the whole village to that planet
and has been a political power ever since (President Trebozo maybe?)
- Sir Boselli Schatz --Present Grand Duke; lives in
Sheercliff St. Giles
- Levi (Father Negev) Schatz --Brother of present Duke;
famous Eremite who runs an organic farm/ashram
- Lady Slaw --Present Duke's sister; leads a witch coven on
Lipo Island
- Sir Balou McRaymond Schatz ("Brother Bossman") --Another
brother of the Duke; General of the B&S Army; Captain of Wattlecald.
- Jeremy Mallowfat --Designer of Towers, Castles, Mansions,
and Men's undergarments; fashionable, but shunned, member of the
Mallowfat family; a fixture in Greenwich Village (but nobody buys his
stories about having been born and raised on another planet)
- Marsbars --"Padre de los Islos" whatever that means
- Lencho-Poncho --The greatest General of all times, in
spite of being quadriplegic (he lost every battle, but his strategies
were always text-book perfect, and the victors always wrote them up
as being brilliant if it weren't for their own superior prowess)
- Mallissa Montana --A veteran from Gerousle, a playing
piece who survived from the very beginning; now the most famous
whore in Wetwang
- King Duffus "Taki" Mulhaney --Deposed head of the People's
Republic of Typhootea, Goulash
- Pubble --Governor of North Wall Gov't Territory (South)
- Fufufubro-aahp --Fuhrer-elect of the Frogmen of Mashmole
- Sergeant Cudahudahy --CO of Mash Garrison
- Raoul Andre de Paul Gicque --Wetwang shipping magnate
(The Vive la Q Fleet), farmer, entrepeneur, knight, Baron, Duc, Governor
General, and Grand Duke of North Wall Gov't Territory; great man of the
- Sheryl de Gawrle --His mistress and co-ruler
- Sir Texas Voisine-Melaynie, Baron of Clott --Irish
millionaire; founder of the lesser Barony of Clott
- Bobbiwobbi Melaynie --His successor, 6 years old, now
living in a slum in Watchitmate
- Grand Admiral Bottbockx-Dankebein --Executed for treason;
he cooked up a plot with Baron Martie to embroil the Germanic-Nordic
Confederation and the Holy Conspiracy in war for profit of some kind
- Troj --Famous Wooloo composer
- Sister-mom Georgie --Presidentrix-elect of Flat Martha
- Ms. Mayor Mee --Mayor of Sappho
- King Mary II --Queen of the Grand Duchessy of Mt. Lesbos
- Moshe Poblum --Mayor of Hutt
- Grand Dragon Roberto "Big Bob" von Bethlehem den Heilcheil
(aka "Bethlehem Bobbie") --Dwarf-baron of Hagbold
- Lobelia Rumpelstiltskin --Lady-Lord of Fossa-Beth Regina,
Queen of the Lacklustre Hills
- Trollwarden Wedgible "Banana" Mein Kampf
(aka "Mister Wart") --Ruler of Trollgard; Lord of the Freaks
- Mugherr Groupsex --Head dwarf of Mugherr
- Count Clameye of Carrados --The blind terror of Ear Castle
- E.M. Mincywaste --The 7-foot, 390-pound black mayor of Fellow
- Foetid Tooth --Venomous wolf leader of the Ear Castle Wolfpack
- Foetid Breath --ditto of the Dogpack of Nose Castle
- Poorson Hwoi --An ex-mayor of Hutt
- Polish Pete (Stanislush Mzzrrpktic) --Notorious rough-neck
miner; the Paul Bunyan of Northwest Wall Gov't Territory
- Llew Llew Bwlch (Taffy Belch) --Polish Pete's rival for the
Paul Bunyon award in Southwest Wall Gov't Territory
- Myfrendflica Porny-Podgorny --Most famous Madam in Fellow
- Monsieur Porny-Podgorny --Lord Plenipotentiary of the Don
River Utopian Zone
- Pablo Sisslesford --M&F's main secret agent in Swettipore
- Sebastian Mallowfat --President of Noo Noo South Wales;
eldest son of Mallowfat I
- Grobius Shortling --Among other things, the real head of this
organization (Mallowfat & Fagg, Blenkinsop, Planet Earth, etc. etc.)
- Capitan Palores Pagegut, Capitan El Ringos, & Capitan
Ramon Aculpapa --Losers of the battle of Vicuna
- Commander Von Trumpet --Victor of the battle of Vicuna (this
avenged the Tiny Tim thing)
- Field Marshall Mrs Diane --National Guard Cmdr., Mt. Lesbos
- Shamar MacCacacgh --Newspaper correspondent & chain-smoker
- Hackey Staffgood --Mayor of Fosgoodhampton
- Benjamin Constant Boselly --Mayor of Trebozo
- Poorly Gomex --Mayor of Taco
- Martin Mastin-Artin --Director of the M&F Pornyfondle Resort
on Xing-to
- Ole Weevil --Captain of the Tiny Tim Frozen-Ball Guard
- Mister Ernst Hemmingweg --Warden of the Great Shrew Nature
- Flight Commander Higo Hugo St. James --Famous Wetwang
balloonist and war hero (not to be confused with Teddy Scotland)
- General Sir Ian ffynch-Helium Thatterthwait --Air Marshall of
NWGT Balloons
- Mr Cassidy Podna --A native of Gerousle, he has the distinction
of having citizenship papers in all of the Wall nations (which means he
switched sides several times in that game)
- Kapitan Haut Reischen --Captain of the ill-fated New Bismarck
- Grand Inquisitor Fernando Neufranco --Was eaten alive by giant
shrews (deservedly)
- Bruce Reech Earl of Pommebastard, New San Quentin
- Il Duce Martello Darci Roma Cenci --Doge of Nueva Venezia
- Alexander Ssespitt, SBSC, First Earl of Trebozo
--James Bond of the M&F corporation; some wonderful coups scored against
such enemies as Baron Martie and Lucius Fosgood; uncovered the Powchowder
coverup [Powchowder is not covered in this document, mainly because I
never got around to writing it up. -- G.S.]
- Ben-Bob Cattermao --Warden of Pol-Derrick maximum security prison
- Amos Turbot-Propp --Governor of the Edsel Islands
- Vice Admiral Ahab Turbot-Propp --Almost Lord of the Admiralty
- Constance Boselly --Lord Ssespitt's wife, and daughter of
the Mayor of Trebozo
- Pope Cisco I --He's the Pope of the Holy Conspiracy (the
Federation dropped Mehico-Hispanic and Jesus from its official title
to avoid charges of racism and religious bigotry, although that hasn't
changed anything, of course)
- Mrs Ralph Redan --Administrative assistant par excellence,
even if she is a bitch